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The Microsoft New Commerce Experience (NCE)

How Will This New Reality Affect Your Business?

Date: January 25, 2022
Time: 2:00 pm ET / 1:00 pm CT / 12:00 pm MT / 11:00 am PT
Presented By: Alexandre Laflamme, SME - Modern Workplace (M365), Sherweb

Join Sherweb’s Microsoft Partner Program and Incentives Manager, Alexandre Laflamme, as he discusses how navigating the Microsoft ecosystem can be a challenge and how the recent changes to the Microsoft reseller programs are not making it easier.

Take an exclusive look at changes to the CSP indirect reseller program, open volume licensing, Microsoft Commerce incentives, the New Commerce Experience, and the evolution of the CSP timeline.

Find out how this new reality will affect your business as well as your relationship with your customers.

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